Tag Archives: Peranankan

Penang: Green Mansion

We didn’t have a set agenda today, so we made it up as we went along. We first tried the Protestant Cemetery which is near us, but the gate was locked and a crazy person was out front, so we turned around.

We decided to get more Peranakan history, so we headed to the Green Mansion. It was ornate and filled with collectibles.

When we were finished, Ellen wanted to get back to the restaurant from our food tour yesterday where we got duck. We enjoyed the dish again and also got to see them make the bamboo noodles.

We then made one of our few errors this trip. Penang Hill offers a view from mountains 1/2 an hour west of the city. We decided maybe a drink up there would be nice, so we took a Grab there. But it was very crowded, with a long line for tickets and then probably an hour or more to take the funicular up. So we decided to Grab back to a coffee shop. But our first few tries said there were no cars around. Before investigating a taxi, we tried Grab one more time and were successful.

After coffee (and sharing a chocolate bar), we sought out one more iconic street art, boy on a motorcycle. It was worth the hot walk.

Ellen didn’t like the heat, but did stumble on a newly opened smoothie art place called Purée Fruit. What is smoothie art, you say?

They even had a stand with a light that you could put your smoothie on to Instagram it!

After a cool off at the pool, we went out to dinner for the last night and to celebrate our 34th anniversary, which is tomorrow. We went to Jawi House Cafe, another Peranakan restaurant.

Our food was delicious, having different lamb with rice dishes but it was the anniversary that was the star.

The restaurant had no alcohol, so we stopped at a bar on the way home for a celebratory drink.

It was an active bar street!

Tomorrow we fly to Singapore. We then have about 11 hours to hang before our 18-ish hour flight back to Newark.